Strategic Planning for Nonprofits: Communications
Communication strategies in the nonprofit space require deliberate planning and implementation to convey key messages, engage stakeholder communities, and build relationships with donors, patrons, and partner organizations. There are five elements to an effective communications strategy: audience, message, channels, content, and timing.
Audience: Identify your target stakeholder communities and understand their characteristics, needs, and communication preferences. Tailor your messages and channels to effectively reach and resonate with each audience segment.
Messaging: Define the key messages that align with your strategic goals and mission. These messages should be clear, concise, compelling, and highlight the unique value and impact of your organization's work.
Channels: Determine the most appropriate communication channels to reach your target audiences. This should ideally include traditional channels such as websites, newsletters, press releases, brochures, and direct mail, as well as digital channels like social media platforms, email marketing, blogs, podcasts, and video content. In almost every case, you will want to use multiple channels to reach each community.
Content: Develop and share content to educate, inspire, and engage your audience. Two key aspects of your content strategy should include the use of storytelling to convey impact, and opportunities for two-way engagement. Your content strategy should invite your stakeholders into a conversation with your organization rather than simply pushing information outward.
Timing: Different communications channels have different optimal timing rhythms. A mailed newsletter might be most effective when distributed quarterly, whereas most social media platforms are most effective through weekly or even daily messaging and engagement. And, especially with social media, your timing should include engagement with partner or stakeholder content as well as pushing your own messaging forward.
Ultimately, effective communication strategies should embody the spirit of communication, which is a dialogue rather than a speech. Engaging and inviting approaches are key to building and maintaining the emotional attachment that we need from our stakeholder communities.